Book Signing Number 3 (Naples)

I had my third book signing this weekend. I really enjoyed this stop. The whole purpose of doing a book signing isn't to just sell a few books at the store. The real reason you do book signings is because it gives you an opportunity to gain additional media exposure. This can be anything from a few sentences in the paper announcing the event to major media coverage. I lucked out on this stop by getting a TV interview.

This was my first TV interview it it wasn't quite as good as I would have liked, but it wasn't bad either. The host was a pro and knew how to get the maximum amount of informationP1000374_edited-1 in a short amount of time. I hope to have a link to the interview on my web site in a day or two. see if you can pick out my deer in the headlights moment.

I'd like to say that there was a spike in sales immediately after the interviewed aired, but the truth is the exact opposite happened. At least on Amazon where I can keep track of my sales ranking. I don't have the Amazon ranking system down pat just yet, but I do know that a single sale can move the ranking 50,000 or more. Since my sales ranking went in the other direction, it would be safe to assume that there wasn't one sale from the interview.

But there are other ways to judge the impact of a media event and that is with visits to the book's web site. When I checked the stats for the day of the interview, there were three times the normal amount of daily hits (a little over 1300) for the day. That tells me that the interview did what it was supposed to do and that is create interest. Who knows how many people may be planning to purchase the book but just haven't gotten around to it.

P1000363_edited-1 While I was down in Florida I had my picture taken with some more book groupies. Okay, maybe they weren't book groupies, but I did mention my book. That should count for something, right? After all, I am out promoting my book.

This picture was taken on the Gulf side of Sanibel Island. I rented a bike and toured the island by bicycle. I think I must have pedaled a good twenty miles or so. Okay, so maybe it was only five miles, but if felt like twenty. Plus I got this great picture for my effort.

The actual book signing was in Naples, Florida at the Barnes & Noble at the Waterside Shops. This was a very nice location. I got there early and had a chance to walk around the Waterside Shops. I didn't do any shopping, but I did stop to have a Pina Colada. I don't drink Pina Coladas very often. The last time I had one was sixteen years ago and it was on a beach in Naples, Florida.The drink with tip was seven dollars. Maybe that's why I don't drink them that often.

When I did the TV interview, I mentioned the book signing. So I was expecting to see at least one or two people who might have caught the interview. But all of the sales I had were from people who just happened to be stopping by the store.

P1000370_edited-1 I sold six books. Not great. But not bad either. It was a fun two and half days. I hope to visit Florida again this Fall to do a book signing at the Villages.

Next stop – Denver. See you there!