What’s taking so long?

The book Heaven and Sea was actually ready to be released early this year. I had several options for distribution. I decided to go for what I thought was the best option, which was IPG. I should be hearing something from them in the next few weeks.

If I get accepted by IPG, there is still a possibility that I may have to delay things a bit longer. Before I take the plunge and expense of publishing the book myself, I need to make sure that all other options have been exhausted. There have been some recent developments that could take things in a different direction. That is partly why I started this blog. I didn’t want those waiting for the book to think that nothing was going on. There is.

If you want to know exactly what’s going on, I suggest that you subscribe to the blog feed. You may receive some irrelevant posts. But then again you might find something of interest.

Stay tuned.