Author: Emilio

Review of Charlie Wilson’s War

This film tells the story of Charlie Wilson, a Texas Congressman played by Tom Hanks, who, along with a socialite and CIA agent, supply arms to Afghan fighters in order to force the Russians to abandon Afghanistan. Not exactly source material for a comedy, but that’s the tone the film takes with the subject.

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Review of The Assassination of Jesse James

The story told here is about Jesse James growing paranoia and the idolization of the man by Robert Ford. Jesse is constantly in fear of his pursuers. He moves frequently. He changes gang members. He questions the path his life has taken. Robert Ford wants what he believes Jesse James has: respect, notoriety, and fame.

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35 Miles From Shore Book Tour

The 35 Miles From Shore book tour officially begins this month. I’ll be visiting book stores for book signings and a slideshow presentation at some stops. Additionally, I will be doing a virtual book tour this entire month.

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Review of Deliver Us From Evil

Anyone who is even tangentially aware of this problem knows that it is a situation that has been perpetuated by the church through its indifference and its attempts to solve the issues by transferring the offending priests to other parishes. The lack of accountability is still going on and goes all the way to the Pope, who I didn’t know has been charged with covering up sexual abuse cases.

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Review of Money For Nothing

Before I read this book, I had never heard of the lump sum industry. Not being a lottery winner myself might have had something to do with that. You have to win some money before they show up on your radar screen.

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Review of My Kid Could Paint That

The controversy at the center of this film is whether or not Marla’s father Mark helped Marla with the paintings either through coaching or by doing some of the paintings himself. The ride that Marla nd her parents go through is a prime example of how our society and the media in general is quick to put people on a pedestal only to take delight in knocking that person back down. But this is not Brittney Spears we’re talking about here, this is a four year old girl.

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