Review of “Sicko” by Michael Moore
Review of “Sicko” by Michael Moorerating **** 1/2 I have to admit that I had some preconceived notions before I watched this film. I like the documentaries that Michael Moore has done in the past, but they all have been very one sided and very opinionated. I was expecting the same with this one. I […]
Review of “Lone Survivor” by Marcus Luttrell
Review of “Lone Survivor” by Marcus Luttrell with Patrick Robinson rating ***** I remember when I first heard about this event on the news. My first reaction was that it was a terrible waste of life. After reading Marcus Lutrell’s book, I still feel that way; but I have a lot more respect for […]
Review of “A Mighty Heart” directed by Michael Winterbottom
Review of "A Mighty Heart" Directed by Michael Winterbottomrating *** A Mighty Heart tells the true story of the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Everything about this movie is top notch: the acting, the writing, the direction. Still there is something missing. I think I know what it is, but […]
Review of “The Bridge” directed by Eric Steel
Review of "the Bridge" directed by Eric Steelrating *** 1/2 In 2004 twenty-four people committed suicide by jumping off the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. In this unusual documentary, filmmaker Eric Steel captured a number of these suicides by using a team of cameramen to film the bridge over the course of a year. The […]
Review of “Breach” by Bill ray
Review of "Breach" written by Billy Ray, Bill Rotko, and Adam Mazer, directed by Billy Ray**** 1/2 Breach tells the story of how the FBI brought down Robert Hanssen, an FBI agent and soviet spy. The story is told primarily from the viewpoint of Eric O’Neal, who was given the task of documenting Hanssen’s every […]
Evolution of a book cover
In book publishing cover design is said to be almost as important as the actual content. Here are the cover designs that were considered for 35 Miles From Shore including the earliest ones with the original Heaven and Sea title. And the winner is!