Book release announcement
It’s official. The book 35 Miles From Shore: The Ditching and Rescue of ALM Flight 980 will be released April 2, 2008. Stay tuned here for more information including how to pre-order the book. Please note: If you were interviewed for the book, you will receive a complimentary copy. Just make sure that I have […]
Review of “A Long way Gone” by ishmael beah
Review of A Long Way Gone: memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah **** Reading “A Long Way Gone” reminded me a lot of the book “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy, only the journey here is true and so too the horrors along the way. Ishnael Beah was a young teenager whose ambition in […]
Two reviews that put life in perspective
Review of "My Flesh and Blood" directed by Jonathan Karsh *** 1/2Review of "Bus 174" directed by Jose Padiha **** 1/2 I decided to combine these two reviews because both films portray the lives of people who for different reasons have been dealt an unfair hand. Trust me, after watching these two films your problems […]
Slamdance screenplay competition
The screenplay for Heaven and Sea has made it to the quarterfinal round of the Slamdance screenplay competition. You can find out more by visiting the link below: Slamdance results
New title
After considering several different title ideas, a new title for the ALM story has been selected. The new title is: Thirty-Five Miles From Shore: The Ditching and Rescue of ALM Flight 980 This title has many advantages over the previous title. It is more descriptive, more intriguing, and more Internet search engine friendly. Look for […]
Review of Ghosts of Abu Ghraib directed by Rory Kennedy
Review of Ghosts of Abu Ghraib directed by Rory Kennedyrating ***** Watch this film! When you’re done watching it, watch it again with the audio commentary. This is as good as it gets in documentary films. Anyone with even a cursory understanding of what took place at Abu Ghraib realizes that the soldiers who were […]