Review of I Know I’m Not Alone by Michael Franti
Review of I Know I’m Not Alone directed by Michael Frantirating **1/2 This film offers a good counterpoint to what is seen on the daily news concerning Iraq and occupied Palestine. Michael Franti, a musician and singer, took a film crew along with him as he visited the streets of Iraq and Palestine. He uses […]
Review of F5 written by Mark Levine
Review of F5 written by Mark Levinerating **** This book tells the story of the devastating tornado outbreak of April 3, 1974. While the outbreak covered a large geographical area, the author focuses primarily on two of the worst hit areas: Zenia, Ohio and Limestone county, Alabama. There are a lot of characters to follow […]
Slamdance screenplay competition
The screenplay for Heaven and Sea has made it to the second round of the Slamdance screenplay competition. You can find out more by visiting the link below: Slamdance results
Reveiw of Letters From Iwo Jima
Review of Letters From Iwo Jima directed by Clint Eastwood, written by Iris Yamshita and Paul HaggisRating **** As a companion piece for Flags of Our Fathers, this film succeeds on all levels. Unlike other reviews, I give the edge to Flags as the better of the two. Mostly because of the starkness of this […]
Book, screenplay, and other musings
First the book. I am pleased to announce that the book Heaven and Sea has been accepted into the small press trade distribution program at IPG. The book will appear in the spring 2008 catalog and will be available for purchase sometime between Jan and Apr of 2008. Acceptance into this program is contingent on […]
Review of “Zodiac” by David Fincher
Review of "Zodiac" directed by David Fincher, written by James Vanderbiltrating **** Officially the murders in the late 60s and early 70s attributed to the Zodiac killer are unsolved. This film, based on the book by the same name by Robert Graysmith, puts forth a good case for identifying the best suspect. From an entertainment […]