Review of “Alpha Dog” by Nick Cassavetes

Review of Alpha Dog written and directed by Nick Cassavetesrating ** The underlying story of a kidnapping that may or may not have been a kidnapping that turned into a murder is an interesting one. But the end result here is a missed opportunity. The writer/director uses two different methods to tell the story. He […]

What’s taking so long?

The book Heaven and Sea was actually ready to be released early this year. I had several options for distribution. I decided to go for what I thought was the best option, which was IPG. I should be hearing something from them in the next few weeks. If I get accepted by IPG, there is […]

Review of “Who The #$&% is Jackson Pollock” by Harry Moses

Review of “Who The #%&% is Jackson Pollock” Rating **** When truck driver Teri Horton purchases a painting at a thrift store for $5 (she haggled it down from the original $8 asking price) she has no idea that she might have purchased an original Jackson Pollock painting worth as much as fifty million dollars. […]

Review of “Shut Up and Sing” by Barbara Kopple & Cecilia Peck

Shut Up and Sing by Barbara Kopple & Cecilia Peck Rating ***** This is the story of how a simple quip made between songs snowballed into what became a national campaign against the Dixie Chicks. Overnight the Dixie Chicks were labeled as unpatriotic. Country radio stopped playing the group’s songs; their CDs were crushed by […]

Up and running

It’s taken a couple of days of hard work, but the everything nonfiction blog appears to be up and running normally. I’ll be testing the feed with this post. I’ll also be adding additional content in the days ahead. If you encounter any problems, please be sure to contact me. Thanks.