Author: Emilio

The Wronged Man vs Hot Tub Time Machine

I recently went to Blockbuster and walked out with two movies. The first was Hot Tub Time Machine. The second was a movie I just happened to see on the shelf titled The Wronged Man. Now I can’t defend my choice of Hot Tub Time Machine. It looked like it might be funny. It had John Cusack. It had a picture of a scantily clad woman on the DVD cover. So how bad could it be? Okay, it was bad. It was beyond bad. It was a one line joke that wouldn’t have made it as a SNL skit.

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35 Miles From Shore is now on Facebook

I thought I had all my bases covered while promoting my book 35 Miles From Shore. But now that I’m involved in online marketing I discovered that I had missed the opportunity to create a fan page for the book. Turns out that I should have done this long ago.

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Review of Good Hair

The idea behind this film can be credited to Chris Rock’s three-year old daughter who asked him why she didn’t have good hair. The question sent Chris and director Jeff Stilson to a variety of locations to find the answer.

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The case of Paul Cortez

Paul’s conviction was based almost exclusively on two bits of circumstantial evidence: Phone records that indicate that he was in the area around the time of the murder. (Paul lived in worked in the neighborhood.) And testimony from an individual that claimed to have seen Paul immediately after the murder wearing boots that matched footprints found at the scene. Problem is, 48 hours interviewed this same witness before the trial and he claimed that he had no idea what he was wearing. Think about it. If you’re having lunch with a friend, could you testify months later what type of shoes he was wearing fourteen months earlier?

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