Author: Emilio

October view from the cockpit

Life has kept me away from the cockpit temporarily, so I’ve had to go into my archive to find an imge for this month. This is a pictue of my comunity. I’ll give away an autographed copy of 35 Miles From Shore to the first person who can identify my house in this picture. It’s called “Home.”

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If I knew then

If you could travel back in time and meet yourself as a teenager, what three things would you tell yourself?Submitted by Digital Scrapbooking. 1. You have to approach the girl.

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Review of Horse Soldiers

The story told in the book Horse Soldiers is a modern day western. Not only do we have American special force soldiers riding into battle atop horses alongside Afghan fighters, the story has many of the same plot devices, including a siege at a wood and mud fort. The one difference is that this story is true and it took place not long after the hijackings of September 11, 2001.

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The demise of LangaAir

So what happened to LangaAir? LangaAir was, up until five days ago, a flight school. I happened to work there as a flight instructor. I wasn’t doing it as a career choice. Let’s just say that I was between jobs and looking for something different to do while I waited for things to turn around. I was eighteen years old the last time I gave any flight instruction. A lot has changed since then.

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Review of Crazy For The Storm

The story of the accident and the trip down the mountain is interspersed with the story of young Norman growing up. The author tells the two stories in alternating chapters. Neither story is strong enough to stand alone. Together, though, the two stories complement each other in a way that makes for interesting reading.

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