Review of Little Shoes

Review of Little Shoes: The Sensational Depression-Era Murders That Became My Family Secret written by Pamela Everett Rating ***** A statement often repeated from death-penalty proponents is that while the criminal justice system has its faults there has never been an execution of an innocent man. Considering that over 150 people on death row have […]

Everything the Holocaust

I have been steeped in the Holocaust for the past several months. It started with the book Denial by Deborah E. Lipstadt. While reading that book I started watching the six-part Netflix documentary series Auschwitz. When I finished the book, I rented the film Denial written by David Hare. It has been a deep dive […]

Review of An American Sickness

American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back by Elisabeth Rosenthal Rating ***** American Sickness by Elisabeth Rosenthal is an exhaustive, detailed look at the American healthcare system. The author examines every facet of healthcare, going back to the beginning in order to understand how we have gotten to […]

Review of The Line Becomes a River

Review of The Line Becomes a River: Dispatches from the Border by Francisco Cantú Rating *** Author Francisco Cantú’s The Line Becomes a River is an up close and personal look at the issue of immigration. Cantú worked as a border patrol officer. He speaks Spanish and travels regularly between Mexico and the U.S. He grew […]

Best of Everything Nonfiction for 2018

Below are the top nonfiction books, films, and documentaries from These are the top books and films reviewed by this past year. This list does not necessarily represent the top books and films released or published in 2018. Books Alone: Orphaned on the OceanWithout Mercy: Obsession and Murder Under the InfluenceA False Report: […]

Review of Almost Anywhere

Review of Almost Anywhere: Road Trip Ruminations on Love, Nature, National Parks, and Nonsense written by Krista Schlyer Rating *** Almost Anywhere tells the story of three people: the author Krista Schlyer, her husband Daniel, and their friend Bill. When Daniel passes away unexpectedly from cancer, Krista and Bill set out on a cross-country journey, […]