Click Here Online Marketing has gone mobile
When I’m not commenting on nonfiction books, films, and documentaries, I run an online marketing company called Click Here Online Marketing. I offer the following services: web design and development,
When I’m not commenting on nonfiction books, films, and documentaries, I run an online marketing company called Click Here Online Marketing. I offer the following services: web design and development,
Click Here Online Marketing practices what it preaches. Any company offering services for social media marketing better be using it on their own site.
As promised, I said I’d make a post here as soon as I got some new Adwords discount coupons. I got more than a couple. And each are worth $100. So if you’ve been thinking about starting a pay per click campaign, stop thinking and start doing. I can have you up and running in a day and your first $100 of advertising is free.
Each month I’ll be running various specials on the services offered by Click Here Online Marketing. This month’s special offers include 10% off on website design services and $50 off for the search engine optimization service. All of the websites we design also include a basic PPC campaign setup (a $300 value). So if you’ve been thinking about putting up a website or need to redesign your existing website, now would be a good opportunity.
I’ve been off the social media grid for the past several months. I’ve been poring all of my energy into a new business startup, which left me little time for non-business related interests. In fact, I hadn’t even read a book for pleasure for nearly four months.