Review of Page One: Inside the New York Times

Review of Page One: Inside the New York Times directed by Andrew Rossi Rating **** This documentary looks at the impact digital media has had on the moribund print media. It’s also an inside look at the New York Times. The biggest question raised by the film is whether or not the New York Times […]

Help Catch Joeseph Kony – Kony 2012

This blog is full of stories that show that one person with an idea can make a difference in the world. We live in a time of hyper media, where stories can quickly go viral, where a video uploaded to Youtube can be viewed by millions in a matter of days. Such is the case […]

Review of If a Tree Falls

Review of If a Tree Falls written & directed by Marshall Curry Rating ***** This was one of five documentaries nominated for this year’s Oscars for best documentary. Since I’ve been unable to view the winning documentary Undefeated, I can’t compare the two. But this was certainly a worthy contender. The film is about the […]

Documentary films get little love from Oscars and others

Like many others watching last night Oscars, I was interested in seeing which documentary film would take home the award. I normally try to see all five films prior to the show. Afterall, these are the best of the best. Unfortunately, I was only able to see three of the five films, one of those […]

Review of Hell and Back Again

Review of Hell and Back Again directed by Danfung Dennis Rating *** 1/2 This is a documentary film nominated for this year’s Oscar. I watched the film on my iPad. More on that later. Like Restrepo, last year’s Oscar nominated film about Afghanistan, this documentary goes behind the scenes with a group of soldiers fighting […]

Wing Chun Kung Fu and the Internet

One of the great things about having a blog like this is knowing that there are people all over the world accessing the content. So whenever a writer or filmmaker reaches out to me, I’m always happy to help them spread the word. Such is the case with this post. A filmmaker/musician from Osaka, Japan, […]