Review of Where in the World is Osama Bin laden written and directed by Morgan SpurlockRating *** This latest documentary by Morgan Spurlock uses the humor in the premise of searching for Osama Bin Laden as a way to examine different cultures in the Middle East and the anti U.S. fervor that exists … [Read more...] about Review of Where in the World id Osama Bin laden?
Review of Standard Operating Procedure
Review of Standard Operating Procedure by Errol Morris Rating ***** The theme od this film can be summed up with a quote from one of the interviewees. The quote, paraphrased here, goes: "A picture shows only what was happening in a fraction of a second. It doesn't show what was happening … [Read more...] about Review of Standard Operating Procedure
Review of Fuel
Review of Fuel written and directed by Josh TickellRating ***** I've now had the opportunity to see four films at the St. Louis International Film Festival. Three of them were documentaries, including this one by Josh Tickell. While it doesn't tell a story like the compelling one told in … [Read more...] about Review of Fuel
Review of Dear Zachary
Review of Dear Zachary: A letter to a son about his father written and directed by Ken KuenneRating ***** It's not often that I get to write about a film before most people have had a chance to see it. In this case, I had a chance to view the film at the St. Louis International Film Festival. … [Read more...] about Review of Dear Zachary
Review of After Innoncence
Review of After Innocence written by Marc Simon and Jessica Sanders. Directed by Jessica Sanders. Rating *** 1/2 Anyone who has read this blog knows that I am a critic of the justice system and capital punishment. I am especially drawn to stories of the wrongfullyy accused. This film … [Read more...] about Review of After Innoncence
Review of The Rape of Europa
Review of The Rape of Europa written and directed by Nicole Newham, Richard Berge, Bonnie CohenRating *** 1/2 This documentary is based on a book by the same name by author Lynn Nicholas. The film and book tell the story of how the Germans, and later the Russians, stole precious artwork, … [Read more...] about Review of The Rape of Europa