A Review of The Conspirator

A review of The Conspirator written by James D. Solomon and directed by Robert Redford Rating **** 1/2 I’m not sure how well this film did at the box office. My recollection is that it got mixed reviews and probably didn’t make a whole lot of money, at least not in theatres. My guess, though, […]
Review of Soul Surfer

Review of Soul Surfer directed by Sean McNamara and written by Sean McNamara, Matt Allen, and Brad Gann Rating **** I’ve never surfed, though I would jump at the opportunity if it presented itself. Since starting this blog I’ve covered a number of stories revolving around surfing. One was a documentary I highly recommend called […]
Casino Jack: Hollywood’s Version

Casino Jack written by Noman Snider and directed by George Hickenlooper Rating **** 1/2 At the very beginning of this movie is the tag “inspired by true events,” which usually means that very little of what you are about to see is factual. But after just watching the excellent documentary also named Casino Jack, written […]
Review of I Love You Phillip Morris

Review of I love you Phillip Morris written and directed by Glenn Ficarra John Requa Rating **** This is a hard film not to like. Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor play the two main characters at the heart of this story. Jim plays con man Steven Russell who decides that it’s easier to con people […]
My nonfiction film discovery for this year

Review of The Red Tent written by Ennio de Concini, Richard L. Adams, Richard Adams and directed by Mikhail Kalatozov Rating **** One of the reasons I have this blog is to bring attention to nonfiction books, films, and documentaries that others might have missed. A few posts back I wrote about the film Silkwood, […]
Review of Silkwood

Review of Silkwood written by Alice Arlen and Nora Ephron and directed by Mike Nichols Rating **** One advantage of using an online service like Blockbuster or Netflix is the ability to watch older movies that the stores no longer carry. This movie, released in 1983, was mentioned in a story related to the nuclear […]