Two more great nonfiction films

The two films I’m writing about in this post were both nominated for best picture last year – 127 Hours and The Fighter. So it’s not like they need any help from me. That’s why I’m combining both reviews. But both films deserve to be on my end of year best of list. This past […]
The King’s Speech: A nonfiction film takes best picture

Review of The King’s Speech written by David Seidler and directed by Tom Hooper Rating ***** I’m not going to spend a lot of time trying to convince you to see this film. If a best picture win doesn’t do it then nothing will. I am glad that another nonfiction film won, though. This year’s […]
Review of Secretariat

This is one of those movies I knew I wanted to see, but was willing to wait for it to come out on DVD. One reason I wanted to wait was because I was hoping that there would be some DVD extras with footage of the real Secretariat. But I was disappointed to find that there weren’t any DVD extras.
Review of You Don’t Know Jack

This is the story of Jack Kevorkian and his efforts to promote physician assisted suicides. Al Pacino plays Kevorkian. John Goodman plays the medical equipment supplier who assists Kevorkian once his medical license is revoked. Susan Sarandon also stars as an advocate of assisted suicides and eventually is faced with having to make the decision for herself.
The Time Machine Called The Pacific

Review of the HBO miniseries The Pacific Rating ***** I don’t watch very many miniseries. They take too long. But this is one miniseries that I watched every minute of. Watching this miniseries was as close as you can get to stepping into a time machine and going back to 1941 -1945. This is filmmaking […]
Crazy: An interesting story about an unlikely subject
This is one of those films I came across browsing the shelves of my local Blockbuster. I had never heard of the film prior to stumbling upon it at Blockbuster. But as we close out the year, and I get ready to release my best of 2010, I had to write something about this film because it made my list.