Unstoppable is Speed 3 done right
In Speed, the 1994 movie starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, it was a speeding bus that created the drama. For this film it’s a speeding train. But this film has something going for it that Speed didn’t. This story is based on true events, and thus why it’s getting a mention here.
Conviction – Best I’ve seen this year
There are so many wrongful conviction stories to tell, how do you decide which one to bring to the big screen? They’re all compelling. There are so many of them since DNA testing began that it’s almost becoming routine. Someone is freed from prison after serving decades. Today it’s almost like hearing about another shooting on the local news.
The Social Network Movie – Fact or Fiction
I had a chance to see the Social Network this past weekend. While it was a good movie and one that I can recommend, I don’t think it bears much resemblance at all to the real people and events. First off, neither the author of the book the film was based on nor anyone connected with the film ever spoke with Mark Zuckerberg. So you can’t tell me that Jesse Eisenberg’s portrayal is even remotely close to the real person. In fact, the portrayal I saw was more like the guy from the Big Bang Theory.
The Wronged Man vs Hot Tub Time Machine
I recently went to Blockbuster and walked out with two movies. The first was Hot Tub Time Machine. The second was a movie I just happened to see on the shelf titled The Wronged Man. Now I can’t defend my choice of Hot Tub Time Machine. It looked like it might be funny. It had John Cusack. It had a picture of a scantily clad woman on the DVD cover. So how bad could it be? Okay, it was bad. It was beyond bad. It was a one line joke that wouldn’t have made it as a SNL skit.
The Stoning of Soraya M
Since I’m writing this post on Easter Sunday, it’s only apt that I mention that this is a story about a crucifixion. A woman is falsely accused of adultery by her husband for the sole reason of him wanting to avoid having to pay her anything in a divorce. It’s a story about religious fanaticism, but it’s also a story of how easy it is for a mob mentality to take over.
Another truth is stranger than fiction story: The Informant
How did this film not get more attention? Matt Damon was great. The script was original. It’s one of those almost too strange to be true kind of stories. The movie reminded me a little of another film about a quirky character based on a real person – Flash of Genius by Marc Abraham about the guy who invented the intermittent windshield wiper.