Review of Julie and Julia

Who would have thought that a movie about cooking could be so good? Instead of writing a review, I’d rather talk about some other things that interested me about this film. My five star rating speaks for itself.

Review of The Blindside

This is one of the better sports films I’ve seen in a while. The last football related film I saw was Invincible with Mark Wahlberg. That story was also based on a true story, but the true story aspect was lame. The main character’s main claim to fame was that he played a couple of games on special teams. The climax of the film was when the main character scores a touchtown on a fumble recovery after a kickoff. The filmmakers glossed over the fact that the resulting touchdown was nullified because he had stepped out of bounds.

Review of Amelia

The film Amelia is about fame as much as it is about Amelia Earhart. Her story is an example of how publicity and the right slant can catapult someone into the spotlight. She was at the right place at the right time and happened to meet the right person, George Putnam. Her initial claim to fame was that she was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. The fact that she was a passenger didn’t seem to make much difference. She was promoted as Lady Lindy and a star was born.

Review of American Violet

I am drawn to stories of injustice, especially those dealing with wrongful conviction. This story is about prosecutorial misconduct with an underlying theme of racism. The case in question here deals with the practice of one Texas District Attorney who orchestrated drug raids in poverty stricken black neighborhoods where they rounded up just about everyone in sight and then charged them with drug trafficking. They did this with little or no evidence.

Where The Wild (Weird) Things Are

I’ve been duped before by movie critics who apparently have never read the children’s story The Emperor’s New Clothes. So let me be the first to say it: the emperor is naked. He’s not wearing a stitch. If this movie doesn’t show an 80% drop in ticket sales by this time next week I’d be surprised. Film critics apparently can’t think for themselves. They all jump on a bandwagon and no one has the guts to jump off and say “wait a minute.” Here are just a few of the movies that I’ve been duped into seeing: Eyes Wide Shut, The Blair Witch Project, Open Water, Borat.

Review of Notorious by George Tillman, Jr.

I’m not a fan of RAP or Hip Hop. Every now and then I’ll hear something I like. For the most part, though, I’m a smooth jazz and country fan. I’m also a fan of good stories, and this story of the short life of rapper Christopher “Biggie” Wallace is a good one.