Review of Waltz With Bashir

This is a foreign language film that tells several related stories concerning the Israel/ Palestine conflict. In particular it deals with a massacre that ocurred in September of 1982 at a PPalestinian refugee camp. The film is unique in a number of ways, the most important of which is the fact that it is entirely animated, except for the last few minutes of the film.

Review of Defiance

When a movie starts with the phrase “A true story” as this one did, you know that what you’re seeing actually happened. This film tells the true story of three brothers who band together to fight the Germans in Nazi-occupied Poland in 1941.

Review of The Express

There have been so many sports movies of late that it’s hard to avoid scenes that haven’t been done a hundred times before. They all follow the same basic format of the disadvantaged athlete (or athletes) who overcome(s) great obstacles to achieve great things on the field, track, court, or rink. The filmmakers were aware of this and did everything they could to avoid cliches.

Review of The Soloist

My first impression of this movie was how real it felt. Take for example the sets. Too many films today look staged. Even Spielberg has fallen into this trap. There are some scenes in the last Indiana Jones movie where everything on the screen looks like a storyboard with actors standing in designated spots, under artificial lighting, on sets that look like sets. You won’t get that impression with this film. This film looks and sounds like it was filmed on location.

Review of Elizabeth: The Golden Age

In a world of mindless films about super heros and comic book characters, it’s nice to see that every once in a while Hollywood gets it right.

Review of W.

When I first heard that Oliver Stone was planning on making a movie about George W. Bush, while he was still in office, I didn’t think it was a good idea. Now that I’ve seen the film, I still don’t think it was a good idea. This movie is weak in every way, except for the performance of Josh Brolin and even here I had some issues.