True Story book vs film

True Story by Michael Finkel Rating ***** True Story directed by Rupert Goold, screenplay by Rupert Goold and David Kaiganich Rating *** 1/2   Over the years I have covered a number of book and film adaptations. There’s something about reading a book and then being able to watch a dramatization of that story immediately after. […]

2015 is a banner year for nonfiction films

I’ve been quiet as far as my posts on this site are concerned. The demands of my schedule and my own projects have prevented me from posting as much as I would like. But that hasn’t stopped me from reading and seeing some great nonfiction stories. If you’re looking for some recommendations after seeing the […]

Project Greenlight and how not to make a film

I’ll start off by saying that I love the concept of Project Greenlight, a behind the scenes series on the making of a feature film. I also think that HBO is the right vehicle to deliver that series. I was able to watch all eight episodes on demand followed by an on demand viewing of […]

Will the real Phil Spector please stand up

Review of HBO’s Phil Spector written and directed by David Mamet Rating *** So David Mamet decides he wants to tell the story of Phil Spector and the murder, or suicide, or accidental death of Lana Clarkson. David believes that Phil is innocent. He lays out a convincing argument for his case. He enlists the help […]

Review of Zero Dark Thirty

Review of Zero Dark Thirty written by Mark Boal and directed by Kathryn Bigelow Rating ***** In a previous post, I said that the film The Impossible was my pick for best picture of 2012. Since that picture wasn’t one of the nominated pictures, this film would be my second pick. As much as I […]

Best of Everything Nonfiction 2012

It’s been a busy year for me. I haven’t been able to see as many films as I would have liked. I haven’t been able to read as many books as I would have liked. And it looks like going forward in 2013 I’m going to have even less time as I work on my […]