Category: Misc

Unbroken: best nonfiction I’ve read this year

This book proves to me that publishers and bookstores have it all wrong. They want to pigeon-whole every book into a genre. This book is categorized as a military history book. Okay, so it is. But how about simply calling it nonfiction. How about calling it a true story. Laura’s previous book was Seabiscuit, another great book. She could have found another story to tell about the horse world. Instead, she came across this amazing story and decided to tell it. She’s not a military historian. She’s probably not even a WWII buff. But she knows a good story when she sees one.

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My personal stance on e-book pricing

I recently wanted to purchase two different books for my Kindle. The first one was a self-help book whose title I can’t remember, and the second was a book I really wanted to read called No Ordinary Joes. The fact that I can’t even remember the title of the first book shows just how easy it is to lose a potential customer if the pricing isn’t right.

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Waiting For Superman – A reflection of our times

This documentary on our current education system is an eye opener on a number of grounds. The filmmakers back up their claims about our deteriorating education system with plenty of statistics to show that we are failing in just about every measurable category. You may wonder what happens to the millions of drop-outs and under-educated students that are put out into society. The answer is that they’re present in every work environment. Incompetence is everywhere. The good news is that it’s never too late to turn things around.

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Titanic Sinking Cover-Up

Now here’s a truly amazing story regarding the sinking of the Titanic. Turns out that the sinking was caused primarily because the helmsman (the person steering the ship) turned the ship into the iceberg instead of away from the iceberg when he first got the warning.

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