Category: Misc

Another sixteen-year-old enters the race

I’ve been following the progress of sixteen-year-old Jessica Watson as she attempts to be the youngest person to sail solo around the world. Now it appears that another contender has entered the race. Her name is Abigail (Abby) Sunderland. Her brother Zac held the record for a whole two months before another teenager, who was two months younger, took the title from him.

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Jessica rounds Cape Horn

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about Jessica Watson, the sixteen-year old Austrailian girl who is attempting to be the youngest person to sail solo around the world. Today she rounded Cape Horn. This is a major milestone. It’s the first land she’s seen in three months. The picture below was taken by Jessica. Later today her parents will be departing Chile and flying overhead. She’s now making her way into the Atlantic and heading north for warmer temperatures.

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The Best of Everything Nonfiction for 2009

Here is my list of the very best books, films, and documentaries that I’ve seen or read this past year. Only books or films that got a four star rating or higher made the list. Anything getting a five star rating is indicated with an asterisk. The items in this list do not necessarily have to have been released in 2009.

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Jessica Watson

As I write this post on my laptop, sitting in the comfort of my kitchen, sixteen-year old Jessica Watson is in the middle of the Pacific ocean. She is a month and a half into her attempt to become the youngest person to sail solo around the globe.

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