August View From The Cockpit
Not much hiring going on these days, so while I wait for the turnaround I’ve decided to do some flight instructing just to stay in the loop. It’s been a blast. I’m calling this one “Turning Final.”
Not much hiring going on these days, so while I wait for the turnaround I’ve decided to do some flight instructing just to stay in the loop. It’s been a blast. I’m calling this one “Turning Final.”
I just got word that the MSNBC documentary on aircraft ditchings will air on July 12 at 10:00 pm EDT on MSNBC. I’ll put up some links as soon as I have more info.
Here’s a picture I took during a training flight. I’m calling it reflections.
There’s nothing more irritating than when the media tries to report on a story and distorts the facts because of ignorance. I’ve listened to a number of respected news agencies try to turn this flight into a major emergency. One reporter even stated that the first officer is on board just in cast the Captain can’t land. Are you kidding me?
Life is full of ups and downs. This image, like my career, represents a new perspective. I call it The View Down Below.
As news continues to trickle in about the Air France accident, more pieces of the puzzle emerge. Here’s what we know so far: No bodies have been found floating in the crash area (as of this writing); the ECAM alerting system automatically reported multiple failures prior to lost of contact (the Airbus has the capability of sending data on the aircraft’s systems directly to maintenance); there was severe weather in the area; there is a possibility of an explosion caused by a terrorist attack.