November view from the cockpit
I never get tired of looking outside. I took this one flying over the Gulf. It’s called On Top. To get a high resolution copy click on the image, then right click and select save.
I never get tired of looking outside. I took this one flying over the Gulf. It’s called On Top. To get a high resolution copy click on the image, then right click and select save.
I’m calling this picture Water, Sun, & Clouds. To get a high resolution copy, click on the image then right click and select save.
I took this picture waiting to depart Cancun, Mexico. This is the same tpe of aircraft that I fly. I call this one Approaching Cancun. Remember, to get a high resolution copy first right click and then select save.
Here is a picture taken climbing out over Florida. I call this one Sunset at 26,000 feet. To get a high resolution copy, click on the image then right click on the larger image to save.
This month’s image was taken right before sunset. The double sun effect was a natural illusion and not a camera artifact. As always, you can get a high resolution copy