Mile High Book signing

Just got back from my Denver book signing. I didn't sell too many books (one), but book sales are sometimes measured in small steps. I did sign thirteen books that will now be available for purchase in the store. P1000392_edited-1Those thirteen books, once sold, can lead to many more sales.

This signing was at a Borders. It was a nice store in a very nice location. Problem was that the store is not easy to spot among the many stores in this retail complex. I noticed a lot of people glancing upwards trying to determine what store they were looking at. The dark windows made it impossible for people outside to look inside. Even getting into the building proved difficult, even though there were two entrances. I had to walk around the building to find the entrance from the street I was on.

The bottom line is that there wasn''t much foot traffic. Most of the sales I've had from book signings have come from me coralling people as they walk by.

P1000398_edited-1 Here's a picture if you ever wanted to see what a book signing event looked like from the perspective of the author. In this case an author with no one stopping by.

See the guy walking in and how he's looking the other way? You get a lot of that. They know if they make eye contact that I might engage them in conversation.

See my Walmart cookies on the table? Best $3 you can spend.

Another advantage of doing book signings, even when you don't sell a lot of books or get additional media coverage, is the chance to meet with people who have a connection to the story. In Florida I met with two of Jeannie Larmony's granddaughters. On this visit I got to meet the sister-in-law of Ken Borrego. Ken was a crewmember aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Point Whitehorn. P1000400_edited-1 Maggie, shown here on the right, is Helen Borrego's sister. She brought her daughter, Christina, along with her. I was happy to sign books for them and several other family members.

Overall this was a good visit. The whole trip to Denver and back cost under $50. Not many authors have the advantage of free travel like I do.

Next stop is a slideshow presentation here in St. Louis and then on to Aruba in July.