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This is home to all random thoughts and musings.
Miscellaneous Posts
Not every post on this site is a review. I sometimes make posts on random thoughts and topics that interest me.

Best of EverythingNonfiction 2024
This site is dedicated to bringing attention to nonfiction books, films, documentaries, and VR gaming. Why VR gaming? Virtual Reality is the only medium that puts you in the story. Fighting creatures on an alien planet may not be nonfiction, but it certainly counts toward

Best of Everything Nonfiction 2023
Here are the best-reviewed books, films, and documentaries from this past year.

Lion Book vs. Film
Lion Book vs. Film Rating ***** for both There is something alluring about reading a book and seeing the film adaptation immediately after. That’s the experience I had with this book/film combo. The book A Long Way Home was first published in 2013. The film

My thoughts on the 2023 Oscars
Thanks to streaming and not having to work, I’ve had an opportunity to view a lot more films than in previous years. This includes some short films, short documentaries, and two international films. Here are my thoughts on a number of categories. The best film

Author Vs Literary Agent
I’ve been querying literary agents for the past two months. I use a combination of Query Tracker and Publisher’s Marketplace to identify agents interested in true crime. So far I’ve racked up a dozen or so rejection letters. The book I am working on is

Best of Everything Nonfiction 2022
Here are the best nonfiction books, films, and documentaries reviewed in 2022. Books The Big Cheat: How Donald Trump Fleeced America and Enriched Himself and His Family Scrapped: Justice and a Teen Informant The Other Dr. Gilmer: Two Men, a Murder, and an Unlikely Fight