Misc Posts
This is home to all random thoughts and musings.
Miscellaneous Posts
Not every post on this site is a review. I sometimes make posts on random thoughts and topics that interest me.

Review of The Most Hated Man on the Internet
Review of the Most Hated Man on the Internet Rating ***** What happens when a psychopath suddenly finds themselves with a cult following? The answer can be found by watching this three-episode Netflix docuseries. The internet is full of crazies. The anonymity offered by hiding

Best of Everything Nonfiction 2021
These are the best books, films, and documentaries reviewed this past year. As always, actual publication and release dates will vary. Books The Winter Fortress The Pale Faced Lie The Last Season Kidnapped by a Client Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner
Review of Hunting LeRoux
Review of Hunting LeRoux: The Inside Story of the DEA Takedown of a Criminal Genius and His Empire by Elaine Shannon Rating **** This book had a little of everything. On the one hand, it was like reading a Jason Bourne thriller. On the other

Crazy in Texas Part III
I’m no fan of Governor Greg Abbot. Nor am I a fan of the Republican-led legislature, our Lt Governor Dan Patric, and our Attorney General Ken Paxton. They all take stupid to a new level. Rather than represent the people of Texas, they would rather

Mt thoughts on the 2021 Oscars
I’ve been a movie buff for as long as I can remember. Thanks to streaming, I had a chance to watch many of the films nominated for this year’s Oscars. They were all good and deserving of recognition. I even got to watch a few

All about abstract art
A little over a year ago I purchased a 27-inch digital picture frame by Meural. I love the versatility of this frame. I take a lot of pictures. The Meural allows me to create playlists of my images. But that’s not all I use it