New Beginnings

I've been off the social media grid for the past several months. I've been poring all of my energy into a new business startup, which left me little time for non-business related interests. In fact, I hadn't even read a book for pleasure for nearly four months. I have seen a few nonfiction movies, most notably Invictus, but the demands of my business startup prevented me from writing a review. Plus, I could only give the film a three star rating. There wasn't anything wrong with the film, I just could not get into the rugby.

I've been kicking around a few writing projects, but haven't found one that has pulled me in like the ALM 980 story. When I find the right project, I'll be sure to mention it here.

So what's the business venture I've been involved in? It's called Click Here Online Marketing. As the name implies, the company provides online marketing consulting to businesses and organizations looking to market themselves on the Internet. More specifically, I'll be working in search advertising, web design, search engine optimization, and social media marketing. You can find out more about this new business by visiting the website Rather than start a new blog for this new venture, I've decided to use my current blog to post messages now and then about this new company.

lastly, now that I'm back to reading again I decided to reread a book that has come in handy this past year. The book is called A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. I have to admit the first time I read it I thought it was all phycho babble. But I came back to the book and now consider it an indispensable spiritual guide. I am constantly finding meaningful insight on nearly every page. I'll end this post with one of my favorite quotes from the book. It's about change and new beginnings.

"Some changes may look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge."