Review of Bad Vegan

Review of the Netflix docuseries Bad Vegan rating *****

A successful businesswoman meets a mysterious man on the internet. She doesn’t question him when he starts draining her business of money. She’ll get it all back, he tells her. He needs the money because his life is in danger. He’s a navy seal now working in secret black ops operations all over the world. He also has mystical powers. When he completely drains the business of most of its operating funds, he demands that she find more investors. She can’t pay her employees. She can’t pay her bills or her investors back. Yet she keeps giving him money.

When those funds run out, he somehow convinces the woman’s mother to send him money. He drains her of over $400,000 of her savings. Where’s all the money going? It’s all going towards a lavish lifestyle of high-end hotels, travel, and entertainment.

How can someone so smart and successful fall prey to a serial con man? How can 86% of Russians back Putin? People want to believe. They want to trust their ability to distinguish fact from fiction. Look at how many Republicans still think Biden didn’t win the presidency? The Puppet Master, also on Netflix, tells a similar story.

The saddest part of this story is the inadequate sentence this con man receives once he is caught. Would you do two years of jail time for two years to spend six million dollars?

So, where did the money go? I won’t spoil it. let’s just say that it didn’t go to pay off warlords. This four-part docuseries is available on Netflix.

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