Review of Depp vs Heard

Review of the Netflix Docuseries Depp vs Heard Rating *****

Netflix has been churning out one great documentary after another. This one about the Johnny Depp defamation suit against Amber Heard is another one to add to the list. The filmmakers tell the story in three episodes. You’ve seen most of the highlights before. What makes this retelling more interesting is the stylish way the filmmakers incorporate social media. Another interesting aspect of the film is the way they edit the testimony so that you get both sides of the story nearly side by side.

The whole focus of this three-episode series is on who do you believe. Was Amber a victim of Domestic abuse? Was Johnny Depp harmed by the accusations? Public opinion was almost unanimous for Johnny Depp. The filmmakers don’t take sides. They let the viewers come to their own conclusions.

I didn’t watch the trial. I did watch the highlights of the trial. My opinion at the time was that they were both equally abusive. After watching all three episodes, I hold the same opinion, but, thanks to a big reveal in the last episode, I now think that Depp did in fact abuse Heard physically and emotionally.

A lot of the online vitriol against Amber Heard had more to do with who was the bigger celebrity. Johnny Depp is twenty years older than Amber. He has also done more films and is more recognizable. That power imbalance swayed public opinion in his favor.

Unfortunately for Depp, the big reveal mentioned earlier isn’t going to help him. Lying on the stand is never a good idea.