Review of Good Hair

Review of Good Hair Directed by Jeff Stilson

Rating ***

The idea behind this film can be credited to Chris Rock’s three-year old daughter who asked him why she didn’t have good hair. The question sent Chris and director Jeff Stilson to a variety of locations to find the answer.

The film is structured around one main event, a ridiculous hair styling competition. The same structure was used in King of Kong. It works because it gives the film a solid beginning, middle, and end.

Along the way the viewer learns about the large market for black women’s hair products. While the section on hair relaxers was interesting, the scene dealing with hair weaves made the film more than just a fluff piece. It made me want to go online and look up companies to invest in that sell the expensive hair pieces.

Chris Rock was low key throughout and looked genuinely interested and surprised in the responses he was getting in his interviews.

As for the hair styling competition, it had little to do with hair styling and more to do with sexy models. So it wasn’t all that bad.