Adwords for Authors Update

It’s been a while since I updated my experience using Adwords to promote my book 35 Miles From Shore. What had originally been planned as a three-month experiment back in 2010 continues to this day. You can read about the original goal of the case study in the post Adwords for Authors: A Case Study. […]
Unbroken campaign review

The Unbroken campaign was shut down as planned on January 22 after a two month run. It was a tough decision. I contemplated letting it run a while longer. I won’t have final sales numbers for another few weeks, and even then I won’t have sales figures for the exact period in which the campaign […]
Unbroken one month campaign update
It’s been an interesting month. I have made quite a few changes since I started this case study. The biggest change has been a completely redesigned website. More on that later. I won’t have sales data for the first month of the campaign for several weeks. The early indications are that I will have sales […]
Campaign Update: First week
The Unbroken campaign has been running now for one full week. During this period I have raised the default and individual keywords bids for both search and display. I have also decided to run a parallel campaign on Microsoft Adcenter. So now searches on Bing are displaying the same ads as those on Google. An […]
Campaign update: four days in
The Unbroken campaign has been running now for four days. In those four days, I’ve made a few adjustments in response to the data from Adwords. The biggest adjustment was an increase in my bid price for the search campaign. I had started with a default bid of just .15 cents a click. Despite having […]
The campaign
The PPC campaign for this case study was setup and made live today, November 22, 2010, at 5:00 pm. Here are the steps I took: