The Best of Everything Nonfiction for 2009

Here is my list of the very best books, films, and documentaries that I’ve seen or read this past year. Only books or films that got a four star rating or higher made the list. Anything getting a five star rating is indicated with an asterisk. The items in this list do not necessarily have to have been released in 2009.

Review of Every Little Step

I added this documentary to my queue based solely on the brief synopsis I read online, which basically said that it was about the auditioning process for a revival of the musical A Chorus Line. I haven’t seen the play or the movie version, but I thought it sounded like an interesting premise. Sort of a Dancing With The Stars meets American Idol. The film, however, is about much more than just the auditioning process. It’s also about the creative forces behind the original A Chorus Line and the genesis behind its creation.