Inside Job: A story about people who aren’t as smart as they think they are.

A review of Inside Job written and Directed by Charles Ferguson Rating ***** Over the past couple of years I’ve started but never finished several books about the financial meltdown. I had the best intentions, as did the authors who wrote the books. But everytime I got to the section on credit default swaps, derivatives, […]
The Best of Everything Nonfiction for 2009
Here is my list of the very best books, films, and documentaries that I’ve seen or read this past year. Only books or films that got a four star rating or higher made the list. Anything getting a five star rating is indicated with an asterisk. The items in this list do not necessarily have to have been released in 2009.
Review of The Great Depression Ahead
The idea that you can predict future trends based on historical cycles has some merit. The author uses a myriad of cycles to explain his reasoning for his pessimistice outlook. Here are just a few: the terriosim cycle, innovation cycle, immigration cycle, geopolitical cycle, demograpic cycle, real estate cycle, various stock market cycles, commodities cycle, and the emerging markets cycle. The cycles range in time from as littles as eight or nine years, such as the terroisim cycle, to as long as 5,000 years for the civilization cycle.