Author: Emilio

Caribbean Visit Part 2

One of the cool things for Balsy and me during our visit was being recognized. More than a few people came up to us during our stay to say that they had seen us on TV or in the paper.

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Slide Show Presentation

One of the things I have done to promote my book 35 Miles From Shore has been to create a slide show presentation that tells the story using images, sound, and animation. I had my first presentation a few weeks ago. I have several more scheduled in the weeks ahead.

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Review of Darfur Now

The media (and this film) has compared what’s happening in Darfur to the genocide that took place in Rwanda. And if the killings of several hundred thousand people is genocide, then they are correct. The big distinction in this case is that the genocide is being carried out by the Sudan government. In Rwanda, as in most all genocide cases, ethnicity is the primary source of conflict. In Darfur it seems to be a battle for resources. Oil is a factor with Exon Mobile emerging as the biggest player. One way to combat the problem is by divesting in U.S. companies that do business with the Sudan government.

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Review of The 11th Hour

One of the key points in this film is that the only way we’re going to correct the problem is by creating a higher level of awareness. You would think that by now everyone would know that we can’t continue on the course that we have been on, but apparently that isn’t so because we continue to elect officials who don’t have a grasp of what has to be done.

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