Review of The King of Kong

Review of King of Kong by Seth GordonRating *** I am a fan of old arcade video games. My favorite was Asteroids. Donkey Kong was a fun game, but I never mastered it like I did Asteroids. This film is about the two top Donkey Kong players in the world. That description, however, doesn’t accurately […]

Review of Who’s Your Caddy

Review of Who’s Your Caddy by Rick ReillyRating ***** This isn’t the type of book I normally mention on this blog. When it comes to nonfiction books, I primarily stick with narrative nonfiction. But I’ve been reading a lot of fiction recently and this book happened to be an in between read. The premise of […]

Review of Crazy Love

Review of Crazy Love directed by Dan KloresRating *** This is another review where you can’t say too much without revealing what makes the story interesting. The film revolves around two people: Burt Pugach and Linda Riss. The story begins in 1957 when Burt happens to spot Linda sitting on a bench as he is […]

Review of Deep Water

Review of Deep Water directed by Louise Osmond and Jerry Rothwellrating *** 1/2 This is a story about a race to be the first and fastest to sail around the world solo and non-stop. The event took place in 1968 through 1969. At first the story plays out as you would expect. There are nine […]

Missing you

Allison, hard to believe that it’s been ten years since we first met. I always envisioned telling you the story every year on your birthday. I’m sure by now you would have been sick of hearing it. I’m not talking about the day you were born. There was too much going on then with all […]

Best of Everything Nonfiction for 2007

First, a few words about this list. I didn’t start this blog until July. So there are a few books and films that I read or saw before I started the blog that warrant mention here but are not reviewed. Secondly, this list contains books, films, and documentaries that I personally saw or read this […]