Author: Emilio

Review of Every Little Step

I added this documentary to my queue based solely on the brief synopsis I read online, which basically said that it was about the auditioning process for a revival of the musical A Chorus Line. I haven’t seen the play or the movie version, but I thought it sounded like an interesting premise. Sort of a Dancing With The Stars meets American Idol. The film, however, is about much more than just the auditioning process. It’s also about the creative forces behind the original A Chorus Line and the genesis behind its creation.

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Review of The Blindside

This is one of the better sports films I’ve seen in a while. The last football related film I saw was Invincible with Mark Wahlberg. That story was also based on a true story, but the true story aspect was lame. The main character’s main claim to fame was that he played a couple of games on special teams. The climax of the film was when the main character scores a touchtown on a fumble recovery after a kickoff. The filmmakers glossed over the fact that the resulting touchdown was nullified because he had stepped out of bounds.

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Review of Hunting Eichmann

Fans of fiction often complain that nonfiction books tends to be dry. They obviously haven’t read the right books. I started this blog, in part, to expand the reach of great nonfiction. Hunting Eichmann is a real life thriller that is better than anything Tom Clancy or any other comparable fiction writer could dream up.

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St. Louis Library Event

Yesterday I was invited to participate in a local author event at the library. It’s always good to get out and do some promotion. Below are a few photos taken at the event.

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