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How to spot a psychopath
Review of At Any Cost: A Father’s Betrayal, a Wife’s Murder, and a Ten-Year war for justice written by Rebecca Rosenberg and Selim Algar Rating ***** Psychopaths walk among us. They live down the street. They work alongside you. You may even be in a

Review of Thunderstruck
Review of Thunderstruck by Erik Larson Rating ***** Thunderstruck by Erik Larson tells two separate stories that alternate from chapter to chapter. The first story is that of Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of the wireless telegraph. The second story is that of Hawley Crippen and

Review of The Ride of Her Life
Review of The Ride of Her Life: The True Story of a Woman, Her Horse, and Their Last-Chance Journey Across America by Elizabeth Letts Rating **** Sixty-three-old Annie Wilkins had a goal. She wanted to see the Pacific ocean before she died. She was about

Review of Secrets of a Marine’s Wife
Review of Secrets of a Marine’s Wife: A True Story of Marriage, Obsession, and Murder by Shanna HoganRating ***** Marrying too young, adultery, and murder, are the elements behind the tragic short life of Erin Corwin. The book starts with the search and recovery of

Review of The Last Slave Ship
Review of The Last Slave Ship by Ben Raines Rating ***** You can’t write a book about the last slave ship to America without talking about slavery. How can one person enslave another? It starts with blatant racism. Those who enslaved others believed that they

Review of Blowout
Review of Blowout: Corrupted Democracy, Rogue State Russia, and the Richest, Most Destructive Industry on Earth by Rachel MaddowRating ***** If you’ve been looking for a book to explain the current crisis in Ukraine, look no further. Rachel walks the reader through every angle of