Review of Client 9

Review of Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer written and directed by Alex Gibney Rating ***** This film came out around the same time as the documentary The Inside Job. In many ways this film is a prequil to that documentary, because before Eliot Spitzer resigned from office he was well on his way […]

Dateline Mystery on Halloween Night: Injustice in plain sight

I don’t think anyone watching the Dateline episode The Mystery on Halloween Night could conclude other than an innocent person was convicted of a crime he did not commit. If the judge currently deliberating on Ryan Ferguson’s fate doesn’t overturn his conviction, it will be a miscarriage of justice of monumental proportions. The only thing I […]

Review of Exit Through the Gift Shop

Review of Exit Through the Gift Shop written & directed by Bansky Rating *** 1/2 What is it that makes one work of art worth thousands of dollars and another similar work of art worth almost nothing? That is a question that has been addressed on this site a number of times. First there was […]

Casino Jack: America for sale

A review of Casino Jack written and directed by Alex Gibney Review ***** In my most recent review of the documentary Gasland, I commented that it was a must see film. The same can be said about this film, especially right now. If you want to know what’s going on behind the scenes in Washington with […]

Gasland: A must see documentary

A review of Gasland written and directed by Josh Fox Rating ***** Remember a while back how outraged we all were over the BP oil spill in the Gulf? What if I were to tell you that there is a much more damaging environmental catastrophe occurring right now in the U.S. that dwarfs the BP […]

Inside Job: A story about people who aren’t as smart as they think they are.

A review of Inside Job written and Directed by Charles Ferguson Rating ***** Over the past couple of years I’ve started but never finished several books about the financial meltdown. I had the best intentions, as did the authors who wrote the books. But everytime I got to the section on credit default swaps, derivatives, […]