Category: Misc

The case of Paul Cortez

Paul’s conviction was based almost exclusively on two bits of circumstantial evidence: Phone records that indicate that he was in the area around the time of the murder. (Paul lived in worked in the neighborhood.) And testimony from an individual that claimed to have seen Paul immediately after the murder wearing boots that matched footprints found at the scene. Problem is, 48 hours interviewed this same witness before the trial and he claimed that he had no idea what he was wearing. Think about it. If you’re having lunch with a friend, could you testify months later what type of shoes he was wearing fourteen months earlier?

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More on Jessica Watson

After hearing absolutely nothing on the news about Jessica’s amazing accomplishment, I finally came across this video on the MSN home page. Here from Jessica herself.

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Congratulations Jessica!

Congratulations to Jessica Watson who yesterday became the youngest person to sail solo around the world. I’ve been following Jessica’s journey since it began and wrote a couple of posts about her on this blog. I expected to hear about her accomplishment on the national news, but I’ve been pretty busy and might have missed it. In any case, hers is an accomplishment to be proud of.

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Apollo 13 and me. How one space flight shaped my future.

I was 13 years old when Apollo 13 lifted off for the moon on April 11, 1970. Two days later when the explosion happened, I stood outside in my backyard and gazed up at the moon knowing that three astronauts were headed for an uncertain future. The Apollo 13 space flight had a huge impact on me. Like thousands of kids my age I wanted to be an astronaut. When I realized that that probably wasn’t going to happen, I chose the next best thing and became a pilot. My first company was called Apollo Software. My second company was called Odyssey Interactive, named after the Apollo 13 command module.

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Free eBook

I am looking for a few people to receive a free eBook in return for writing a review that mentions the device you read the book on. I need one or two people for each device: Kindle, Nook, iPad, other.

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