Expedition Happiness Quicktake

Rating **** The idea was to buy an old school bus, refurbish it into a home on wheels, and then travel across Canada, the U.S., Mexico, and beyond. Along the way the couple, Valentina Mogli and Felix Starck along with their dog Rudi, planned to document their journey and turn it into a documentary film. […]

The Trial of the Chicago 7 Quicktake

Rating **** 1/2 The Trial of the Chicago 7 by Aaron Sorkin tells the story of how Mayor Richard Daily used overwhelming police force to prevent peaceful protesters from protesting at the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago. Rather than contain the protestors, the efforts to prevent the protestors from protesting at the convention resulted in […]

A soundtrack disaster

Since this site is dedicated to nonfiction, I won’t write a full review of the film Da Five Bloods. Besides, I could not make it all the way through. So writing a review would be unfair. But I did want to see if anyone out there shared my viewpoint on the soundtrack to this film. […]

Epstein: Filthy Rich Quicktake

Rating ***** I’ve followed a lot of criminal cases where things break down. Usually, it’s at the detriment of an innocent defendant. Sometimes, as in this case, it is the guilty who benefit from incompetence. In almost every case the injustice is only corrected after the efforts of one or more skillful, persistant attorneys. That’s […]

The Report Quicktake

The Report written and directed by Scott Z. BurnsRating ***** A few years ago the film Spotlight won an Oscar for best picture. I put this film in the same league as that picture. Both films cover investigations into wrongdoing. In the case of The Report, the wrongdoing is state sponsored torture by our own […]

American Factory Quick Take

American Factory Directors Steven Bognar and Julia RechertRating ***** This documentary is jammed pack with relevant content: the decline of factory jobs, culture differences between China and America, an argument for unions, and the role of automation in job replacement. This is the first film from the Obamas Netflix deal. It’s not political except to […]