Rating ****

The idea was to buy an old school bus, refurbish it into a home on wheels, and then travel across Canada, the U.S., Mexico, and beyond. Along the way the couple, Valentina Mogli and Felix Starck along with their dog Rudi, planned to document their journey and turn it into a documentary film. Valentina would write songs along the way and use those songs to both provide some income but also serve as a soundtrack for the film. It was a lofty goal that the three managed to pull off with great success.
While they didn’t spend any time revealing what equipment they used (other than a drone), they proved that you don’t have to have an entire film crew to make a compelling documentary. I would love to read about the technical side of their journey. What cameras did they use? What about sound? Lighting? Editing? The drone footage is put to good use to not only show some of the vistas along the way but also to show the school bus from above as a transition between destinations. Tieing it all together is Mogli’s moody soundtrack.
There have been many books from others who have taken similar journeys. This is one case where film accomplishes so much more. I loved following along on their epic road trip. As a dog owner, I also enjoyed watching Rudi, especially when Rudi started to show his displeasure with the all the travelling.
As grand as the sights and sounds and friendships made are, what makes them memorable is that they are shared experiences. That’s the message I think this film provides more than any other.
The film was made in 2017. It’s non-political, but there are a few references to U.S. immigration policy. Catch this one on Netflix.