American Made Quick Take

Review of American Made written by Gary Spinelli Rating **** A pilot for TWA gets involved in the Iran Contra scandal. He also decides to smuggle drugs for a Columbian drug cartel. What could go wrong? Tom Cruise does a good job portraying TWA pilot Barry Seal. The aviation scenes are authentic. Cruise is a […]
The Zookeeper’s Wife Quick Take

The Zookeeper’s Wife written by Angela Workman based on the book by Diane Ackerman Directed by Niki Caro Rating **** 1/2 The Zookeeper’s Wife is an excellent film about a family owned zoo that is transformed into a hiding and holding area for Jews trying to escape German occupation in Poland during WWII. Jessica Chastain […]
Detroit Quick Take

Detroit written by Mark Boal and directed by Kathryn Bigelow Rating ***** Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal continue with their impressive record of collaboration. Detroit starts out chaotic and frenzied as an incident involving police overreach sets everything in motion. For the first thirty minutes or so the story jumps around between riots, protestors, police, […]
Dunkirk quick take

Dunkirk – written and directed by Cristopher Nolan Rating ** 1/2 Best movie of the year. First Oscar contender. A critics darling. One of Christopher Nolan’s best. Here’s my one word review. Loud! And that’s a compliment. This movie is so overhyped it isn’t funny. Other than some great war scenes, there is nothing here. […]
Nobody Speak quick take

Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press written by Brian Knappenberger Rating ***** Let me start with a brief introduction. This is a review site. Writing helpful reviews takes time. Sometimes my schedule doesn’t permit me the time I need to write a thorough review, even though I saw or read something that I would […]