Everything nonfiction docudrama and docuseries guide

Over the last several months I have been able to watch a number of excellent docudramas and docuseries. I wanted to share with you a list of some of the very best multi-episode documentaries and docudramas that are available right now. The six part Waco series on the Paramount network is as good as anything […]

Review of Abacus

Review of Abacus: Small Enough to Jail directed by Steve James Rating ***** If you like David vs. Goliath stories, this documentary is for you. The film starts with two people of Chinese descent watching the movie It’s a Wonderful Life. The connection between the story told in the documentary and the Frank Capra film […]

Documentary quicktakes

I’ve seen a ton of great documentaries over the past few months. I don’t have time to review them all, but I would like to mention a few of the notable ones I’ve seen. Energy To start things off, I have two documentaries that deal with energy. The first is Al Gore’s sequel to an […]

Review of Vietnam by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick

Vietnam Ken Burns Lynn Novick Rating ***** I was fortunate to graduate from high school just as the war in Vietnam was winding down. So, while I was keenly aware of what was happening, I was also focused on other things. I now know from watching this excellent historical documentary series just how fortunate I […]

Review of The Kalief Browder Story

Time: The Kalief Browder Story directed by Jenner Furst Rating ***** The Kalief Browder story is an enlightening case study of our broken criminal justice system. Kalief’s story might never have come to light but for one decision made by Kalief – he chose not to take a plea deal. Kalief was sixteen years old […]

Review of the Netflix documentary series The Confession Tapes

The Confession Tapes directed by Kelly Loudenberg Rating ***** Note: This review is for season one. To read my review of season two click here. As someone who follows and writes about our broken criminal justice system, I found the Netflix documentary series Confession Tapes to be a compelling, unflinching look at the consequences of […]