Review of Selena: The Series rating *****
What’s it take to go from playing in local venues to selling out arenas? The answer is that it takes talent, determination, luck, and a driving force. In the case of Selena, the driving force is Selena’s father, Abraham.
On the one hand, Abraham is the worst example of a parent taking on the manager’s role for their talented offspring. On the other hand, if it wasn’t for Abraham’s persistence and vision, Selena might not have achieved the heights that she did.
The first season of this nine-episode miniseries covers the period from first inspiration to the point where Selena’s fan base has grown large enough that they need to find someone to handle the growing stack of fan mail. That is when the person eventually charged with her murder enters the picture.

I’m quite sure that Abraham Quintanilla had a role in this series. Abraham comes across as both a caring father and a control freak. The actor playing Abraham, Ricardo Chavira, plays both sides of this dual personality expertly. His presence, either directly or indirectly, influences every scene. This is especially true when Selena tries to hide a romantic relationship with a member of the band.
As for the actress playing Selena, Christian Serratos, they could not have found a better actor. The same is true for the entire cast. They are believable as a family. Anyone who has had to sleep together with family members can appreciate the fart jokes.
If this miniseries brings anything new to the Selena story, it would have to be the importance of Selena’s brother A.B. If not for his creative contribution, Selena would never have gone further than a cover band.
Based on the quality of the first nine episodes, I look forward to the second season.